
Welcome to the Joker Developments website. This small part of the World Wide Web is dedicated to those who own an Amiga computer. Those who do own one, will know just how good a computer they are, and every member of JokerD owns at least one Amiga.

Our members have a wide range of skills, from programming the Amiga to web page design and creation. But, perhaps, most importantly, everything we do is done on an Amiga. Any websites that JokerD create, are done on Amiga. Any programming we do is done on an Amiga. I think you get the picture.

Navigate around this web site using the links in the far-left frame. Clicking on one will take you to the page associated with it.

We hope you enjoy your visit to JokerD, and please sign our Guestbook, so that we can take note of your comments and improve the site/our products around them.

If you find a broken link, or just have a general query about the site, then feel free to e-mail the webmaster.

All content of this site is ©1994-1999 Joker Developments. If you wish to use part of this site, or store a JokerD archive on your webspace, to allow others to link to it, then please e-mail the webmaster first, so he knows what is going on.